Thank you, Def Con!

Another Def Con has come and gone. We pulled in over 550 drives to be duplicated this year but just didn’t have the capabilities to get to them all. We had a GREAT time with all the DC NextGen kids that came by to disassemble a hard drive or work on our binary and encryption challenges. All the details will be posted soon in the DC32 Debrief.

This was a great 10th year for the DDV. Several of you have already donated (and we thank you greatly). These donations help us update and repair our equipment so that we can do even more! We still have a few days left for our DC32 fundraiser (and get a t-shirt if you wish)! Hit the Support page for more detail.

DefCon 32 is here!

We’re ready to see you at the Las Vegas Convention Center for @Defcon 32! We’re wrapping up the last minute details but you’ll be able to choose from new data sources this year!

As this is the 10th year that the DDV has provided data to the hacker community, we’ll be doing some extra things at the village this year. We're also making T-shirts available for everyone with an annual T-shirt fundraiser to help support the DDV! More information can be found on the Support page:

DDV Sources Updated for DC32

You may have heard by now, we’re growing our content! This year we were able to keep the Infocon data to a 6TB size and add new data sources for Humans to duplicate. We’re still finalizing the details but you’ll be able to choose from the following data sources for duplication for DC32:

A) Archive - 6TB - Updated archive of all the past hacking convention videos that DT could find, built on last years collection and always adding more for your data consuming appetite.

B) Rainbow tables 1 of 3 - 6TB - With no changes from last year, the hash tables from, for Lanman, MSQLSHA1, and NTLM plus tools

C) Rainbow tables 2 of 3 - 6TB - With no changes from last year, the hash tables from, forA5/1 GSM, and MD5 plus tools

D) to be announced soon

E) Rainbow tables 3 of 3 - 8TB of New NTLM-9 hash tables and a copy of the mirrors

Stay tuned! More information coming as we get closer to con.