Ready for DC28?

No… No, you’re not. At least not in the usual sense.

The shape of the world is changing and DefCon along with it. The DefCon is cancelled meme is all too real this year - for more details you can hit up DT’s blog here: . We’ll be keeping all the duplicators and the pretty blinking lights packed away for 2021 and DC-29 which is already scheduled.

While we won’t be in Vegas this year to provide the massive on-site replication service we usually do, we will occasionally be wearing masks and we will be helping to support any mini-cons who are looking to have the DDV data on hand (more on that in a moment). In the meantime, as he always does, DT will continue to keep the spirit DefCon alive by educating the world through where you can get all the cons, documentaries, podcasts, rainbow tables, skills workshops, and word lists there are to collect.

For more localized distribution with your local hacker space or if you’re looking to help replicate the data out locally, you can always pull them down via the Torrents or -better yet - help seed the data (that would be mighty nice of all you SiP peoples out there). Also - if you need a set of the physical disks, hit me up directly via the info@ email and we’ll see what we can do.